RIP Ammo is IN STORE NOW!!!!
RIP ammo has Arrived. In Store only. We have 380, 9mm, 40, 45acp. We also have 300 Blackout in Rip Out Super Sonic and Trident Sub Sonic!!!!

Check Out Our Newest T-Shirt
FREE w any new GUN PURCHASE while they last!!!!!! In Store purchase or pickup ONLY!

Graphic Images of ISIS!!!! NEVER Give Up Your GUNS
WARNING!!!! These images are GRAPHIC and SICKENING!!!!! This is what happens to FREE people when they are NOT allowed to OWN GUNS and are...

Para REFUSES GUNS for Liam Nelson in ANY future movies!!!!!
Liam Nelson makes lots of action movies BUT he is ANTI GUN!!!! So Para who provided the guns for him in the Taken movies has pulled them...

Headed to Shot Show 2015 in Las Vegas
Were headed to the Shot Show to get info on all the new guns and accessories that will be coming out this year. We will be posting...

FREE Zombie Target While They Last - NO PURCHASE REQUIRED!!!!
FREE Zombie Targets NO PURCHASE REQUIRED!!!! Come visit the store and ask for a FREE Zombie target while they last, NO Purchase required!...